Apply moisturiser daily. A low pH lotion or cream is best such as E45, Epimax or Eucerin.
Keep nails short and clean.
Avoid trimming cuticles.
Use a natural insect repellent to protect from mosquito and insect bites.
Use a natural sunscreen when in the sun for long periods of time.
Take extra care with shaving and waxing. An electric shaver is best.
Avoid injections and having blood drawn on the affected side if possible.
Wear gloves when gardening, working with tools or chemicals.
Wash and apply antiseptic ointment to any cut or injury to the skin. Observe the skin closely for infection.
Contact your doctor or therapist immediately if you have skin redness that is warm to the touch, painful and spreading. And if you have headache, fever and flu-like symptoms – these are signs of possible cellulitis skin infection.
Lifestyle and Movement
Focus on daily activity and gentle exercise. 30 minutes if possible.
Build up the duration and intensity of your exercise gradually.
Take frequent rest periods and listen to your body.
Monitor the affected arm or leg to note any changes before an after exercise.
Be extra careful with maintaining a healthy weight.
Educate yourself about healthy food choices.
Avoid Limb Constriction
Avoid, if possible, having a blood pressure cuff applied to the affected arm. And where possible ask for the manual cuff as it exerts less pressure than the automatic blood pressure machines.
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.
Don’t allow elastic or hairbands to dig into the skin of the affected area.
Rings, watches and bracelets should not leave marks on the skin.
Compression Garments
Recent studies have shown that a Class 1 compression armsleeve worn post breast cancer surgery has a protective and lymphedema preventative function. To read the study –> Study Breast Cancer Patients wearing arm sleeves
All compression should be comfortable and well fitted.
Extremes of Temperature
Avoid extreme cold and extreme hot. Both can irritate the lymphatic system.
Keep baths to very warm rather than hot water that causes redness to the skin.
Do not apply ice packs directly to the affected area. A cloth submerged in cool water is better.
Be careful when using hot or cold cream rubs and gels.